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angle iron [bar] 角鐵,L形鐵。


After the comparison of the stability checking computations and the section categorised situation both at home and abroad the current standard , some problems was discussed in the standard of our country . contraposed these questions , the paper computed the space stability coefficient of some general t - shaped and l - shaped sections and all the sections of t - shaped , l - shaped and 2 - angle iron t - shaped in the formed - steel - table , and worked out the curves . according to the comparison of the curves the paper got and the curve in the standard , some simple conclusions was put 對國內外現行規范軸壓柱穩定驗算方法及柱子曲線截面分類情況進行了對比,討論了我國規范曲線中存在的一些問題,并針對這些問題,以規范初始彎曲值對任意“ t ”形和“ l ”形截面和型鋼表中所有t型鋼、 l型鋼、雙角鋼t形鋼截面的空間穩定系數進行了計算,作出其與規范曲線的比較圖,通過計算結果的分析對各類截面歸類情況作了簡單的評述,其中提出的一些建議可以作為規范修訂的參考依據;同時,這些計算結果也進一步證明了本文的柱子空間穩定分析方法的正確性。

These results demonstrate that the effect of improving the bearing load of structure is very good by strengthening the member of eccentricity compression under pre - stress . the ultimate bearing capacity of strengthened column is closely related to the eccentricity distance . in the condition of eliminating the lagging strain of angle iron , the magnitude of pre - stress putting on the angle iron has litter impact on the ultimate bearing capacity of structure 偏心受力構件的有限元計算結果表明:預應力法加固偏心受力構件,其對結構承載力的提高效果顯著;加固柱的最大承載力與柱的偏心距有密切關系;在消除角鋼應變滯后的條件下,對角鋼施加預應力的大小對結構最終承載力無明顯影響。

Under kinds of conditions , these stresses , strains and their development of concrete , steel , and angle iron were shown . during the whole process , the rate of sharing the loading for the angle iron was also indicated 給出了各種情況下混凝土、鋼筋和角鋼的應力應變值及其發展變化情況;給出了各種情況下,角鋼在加固過程中承擔荷載的比率。

So the circumjacent welding should be applied at this spot and another join symmetrical to it , all sides of the place at which angle iron join are welded around with the main beam 因此應該在該位置以及與之對稱的另一聯接點處都應采用周邊焊,使角鋼連接處的各邊全部焊接,然后再與大梁周邊焊接。

According to the experimental results of the four knots designed for it , we has arrived at that the dimensional angle iron framework is truly efficient to knot 通過對試驗結果的分析及與理論計算結果的對比,發現與預策的結果很接近,說明空間角鋼骨架切實能夠有效地提高節點抗震性能的各項指標。

To the particular case under the small eccentricity compression , the method that the angle irons are strengthened on two - sides , but pre - stress is only put one side , can be adopted firstly 對于較小偏心的特殊情況,宜采用雙側角鋼,單側施加預應力的方法。

Carried on the optimized design using the optimized design module to the support , finally changed to 14 equal - angle iron to replace the used steel 利用優化設計模塊對支架進行了優化設計,結果改用14號等邊角鋼代替原主弦桿用鋼。

The bite shape of this machine absolutely replace angle iron flange . the form is efficiently finished , with artistic appearance 本機咬口形狀完全替代風管制作中的角鐵法蘭,成型高效、美觀,令您省料、省工、省時。

Main material for installing : all kinds of channel steel , angle iron and plate iron (六)安裝主要材料:各種型號的槽鋼、角鐵及鐵板。

Angle iron rolling machine 角鋼卷圓機